Joey turned 5 on Saturday. October 11th. He thanked me for giving him a birthday. Not a party...he didn't really have one...he thanked me for the BIRTH DAY! I had to laugh out loud at that. I gave him a big hug and said I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Here is Joey with Frisbee. Frisbee is Ms. Maryann's birthday puppy at school. Ms. Maryann is Joey's teacher. She gives the students a puppy to pick from (she has 2) and a big birthday bag full of birthday books for the child to keep for the weekend of his or her birthday. It's such a great idea! Joey was sooooo surprised and excited to find a Thomas book in the bag. Who woulda thunk it?
Since his birthday fell on a Saturday that we bowl in our league, I got a Thomas cake (4th one in a row now) and we sang happy birthday to him there. We bowl with Angie and Doug and a whole bunch of people from their neighborhood, so Joey was surrounded by his friends. Kelly, Chris, Jessie and A.J. came too and we all bowled a game after our league was over to celebrate. Joey said it was the best birthday party ever. LOL!
Happy Belated Birthday Joey! You certainly are a cutie pie!!!!
How cute...thanking you for his birthday!
Happy Birthday Joey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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