Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ahhh, nice and warm!

Look at Nic in this picture looking right at Daddy. I so wish I would have gotten Daddy on this too, because he was talking to Dominic and he was just hanging on every word that Daddy had to say.

The 2nd picture is our little Nic Nak when he's all nice and cozy in his warm towel. He was 100% happier in that towel than he was in the tub!

Bath time!

And Dominic is NOT happy about that...until he gets all wrapped up in his nice warm towel that is! Today was his first 'real' bath in his little tub that goes in the sink. He didn't like it too much. LOL!

Hot Dog fingers!

What do you do with your hot dogs? Well, if you are Joey, you put your fingers thru them and chase Mommy and the girls around with "weenie fingers". Ahhh, I so loving having boys!!! :0)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My girls...

Here is this year's school pictures for the girls. Their picture day came when I was in the hospital. I was so worried how they would look...considering I didn't get to buy them a new outfit. The only complaint...John put Hanna in a sweat shirt. Oh well, I still think the pictures come out good!

Take one more picture...

And I'm gonna punch you in the nose! By the way, you are boring me, time for a nap!

Time to color the eggs!!!


March 12, 2008!!! That's the day we were able to bring our baby boy home! WOOO HOOO! We didn't tell the kids that he was coming home. We took them to Grandma's house and told them we were going to visit him. Then, John dropped me and the baby off at home, went and picked up the kids and when they walked in and saw him...oh, they were in heaven!

Do you see him smiling? Yep, he's excited to be home with us too! ;0)

Sleeping like daddy and our big news!

See the picture of Nic with his hand over his face? That is how every ultra sound picture I have of him is. Every one. That is EXACTLY how John sleeps too. I love it. How cute!

Do you see him drinking that bottle? Oh yes you do! He is taking it. Now, if he just keeps it up, he'll be home with us any day now!


On day 4, I was finally able to go see my little man and meet him for the first time! John took me down just in time too! Right when he was about to eat. The nurse let me try his bottle. Oh, and oxygen on him. He only has a feeding tube because he is doing so well!

It took 2 major surgeries in a 4 hour time period to get these beautiful flowers! LOL! I think they are all so beautiful!!!!

3 days...what a difference

On day 3, Nic was taken off of the oxygen and the other tubes came out the day before. He still has an IV in his head, but it will come out soon.
I just love the picture of John holding Dominic. You can see just how small our little man was and the funny thing, he was the biggest baby in the NICU at the time! Daddy was the first person able to hold our new little man!

February 26, 2008. 9:21 p.m.

Dominic Jordan entered our lives! 7 weeks early and not at all looking good. He weighed 5lbs, 4oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. He was our longest baby and our only baby born with hair!
He was in so much danger...We are so thankful for my wonderful Dr. I had to have my gall bladder was completely gangrene and filling my body and Dominic's with poison. 4 hours after the gall bladder surgery, I was rushed in for a c-section!
He was in the NICU for 2 weeks. Thankfully, Nic was only on the breathing machines for 2 days.


Well, later after Joey's big brother class, I had to have John take me to the hospital. I thought I was going to die...turned out I was having a gall bladder attack. This is what my arms (both of them) and my hand looked like after 14 sticks for an IV. Not sure which hurt more, my gall bladder problems or the IV sticks!

Truly rotten!

Joey is truly rotten! No doubt about it. Here is is the day we came home from taking his big brother class. Dominic is due in April, so we took the class on Feb. 18th. Joey learned how to hold his new baby brother and different ways he can help Mommy and Daddy out! He is soooo excited!

Innocent MY FOOT!

Don't they look so innocent? Don't let em fool you! This is from Christmas 2007.

December birthday!

Do you think Daddy liked his hunting blind? I know the kids loved it!

November birthday!

Hanna turned 7!!! The thing she likes the most? Mommy's home made chocolate cake with white icing and sprinkles! That's my girl!!! Check out the ears from her hat. ROFL!

October Birthday's!

Joey turned 4...notice the backwards 4 on his cake? Yep, I'm just that smart!
Hailee turned baby girl turned 10!!!! Ohhhh, she's growing up too fast!

Joey's first time at soccer.

This was Joey's first time playing soccer. He started in the fall. We thought he would be sooo good since he was practically born on the field. Well, this is what he did the best...picked grass. The entire time. All 2 or 3 months of the season...he picked grass! How funny was that!!!

A day out with Thomas!

Joey was just in Heaven! We took him up to see Thomas this summer and oh my gosh, the boy is STILL talking about it!

My Diva's

Hanna is striking her pose!

Hailee and Joey

This is my favorite picture EVER. This is Hailee and Joey from the summer of '07


If these 5 kids don't scare you...nothing will! This is my 3 with my niece and nephew.

Poor Hailee

And her broken toe. This was from 2007 as well. Hailee was running in our bedroom and kicked the corner of our dresser. This was right before her softball game. The game she decided to be the catcher in. She never told us she had gotten hurt. We had no idea. She was the catcher that game, stayed squatted down in position the entire time. When we got home, she took off her sock and started crying hysterically. When she showed us, I about died! It looked much worse in real life than it did in this picture. My poor baby girl!

The Pirate Party

This was the last day of school 2007. I threw a little "Pirate Party" for the kids since we didn't leave for vacation this year. In years past, we always left for vacation the minute the school bus dropped off the kids. Not any more though!

Last year....

But I just love this picture. A.J. (my nephew) broke his thumb and just a couple of days later, I brok Joey's hand. YES, I did it. How terrible do you think I was feeling? I didn't see that he had his hand in my recliner and the doorbell rang. I kicked my chair closed to get up and I heard a "pop" and Joey scream! I don't know who cried harder, me or Joey. Thankfully it wasn't that bad. It wasn't bad enough for a "real cast" and he had to keep it on for 6 weeks, so it wasn't that bad. He was still able to take it off for his bath, but not at night. He got a new Thomas train out of me for that!