Monday, June 15, 2009

Thomas Live!

Thanks to my very awesome friend, Ronda, we were able to take Joey to see Thomas Live at the Bank of Kentucky Center. OMG, he was in heaven.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sweet face!

I just love this boy's face. His big eyes, his slobbery smile, that little button nose. Ohhhh, I'm so in love!!!

Pimp Nak & a few other shots

Since we call D Nic Nak, when he is dressed up, he automatically becomes Pimp Nak. LOL!

The other shots are of me and Joey and then one of me and my nephew AJ.

D is a "fancy eater".

If you have ever seen the Dairy Queen commercial with the people eating and the woman tells her husband he needs to put his pinky up to really enjoy the DQ Blizzard...this is D's version. Joey calls him a "fancy eater" because of that commercial. LOL!

Jessie and D.

This is my niece Jessie. She just loves babies and can't keep her hands off of Dominic.

Stricker's Grove

The Mom's board I belong to was hosting a family day at Stricker's Grove. It's a small amusement park not open to the public. They have maybe 15 rides there. It's a great place for the family to go. We all had a blast...even though after driving the 40 minutes to get there, we got out of the car and John asked if I had the tickets. Uhhhh...NO!!! I left them at home, so back home for another 40 minute drive we went. LOL! We still had a blast. Free food, rides, games, family and awesome friends,what more can ya ask for?

The little boy with Hanna is the son of one of my friends. These two rode rides together all day and Hailee and this little boy's older brother rode together all day. It was cute!