Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Can you say...CHEESE!

This picture cracks me up! Dominic looks like one of those babies in the commercial where they talk but only because his lips were cut out and the other person is holding the picture up to their own lips!!! He's so freaking cute!
Don't let the picture fool you...he has gray eyes like ME, not brown like John. I wasn't lucky enough to have a brown eyed baby! :0( But don't get me wrong, I love all of their little eye balls! LOL!


Stockpiling Mom said...

What a little cutie pie! I was so lucky to see him in person (even though we almost died meeting up in the storm :-)



Birdbrain said...

Karie, he is SUCH a cutie pie! I didn't get a brown eyed baby until grandchild #2 came along. So much for dominant genes, ah.